We’ve all had those moments in the bathroom where we become Beyoncé or Jay-Z, singing or rapping, imagining a whole crowd being entertained by our vocals. That was how my own journey began; that was how I discovered my talent. From rapping as a hobby, I took it seriously and became part of a rap group. Due to my new profound love for writing, I also wrote poetry, using that too as a medium to express myself when I vocally couldn’t. I showed my father a video of a song of mine I had done – which was basically a picture collage throughout – and he was impressed. I had been doing that for over a year and he had no idea. Being the typical Nigerian father, he told me to keep it as a hobby and face my studies. I got into University and tried to keep that energy but I couldn’t because I had fallen in love with another medium of writing – Poetry. Every single thing I felt, I vented in my poems and I shared them with friends who praised my ability and urged me to share it with the world, which I did. Whilst perfecting my poetry skills, I delved into another form of writing – fiction. Overtime, I wrote fewer poems and wrote more stories that ended up into a collection of books, which I only published on my blog. Now my father is amazed by what I can do and to think it all began from my ambition to be a rapper. My dream is to publish as many books as I can and have them adapted for television.
You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the years that have passed there has never been another child like you. Your legs, your arms, your clever fingers, and the way you move. You may become the next Shakespeare, Michelangelo, Beethoven or Michael Jordan. “You have the capacity for anything.” – Henry David Thoreau.
We need to give our children all the support and motivation when they show an interest in anything. It might not fall into the ‘dream job’ parents traditionally love, but it could very well be the spark that ignites greatness in them. Every child should be allowed to be freely expressive to allow the innate ability manifest. My form of writing is something I picked up over the years, with advice and criticisms, some being constructive, demotivating and soul crushing. I had help from friends who constantly encouraged and motivated me to the point I fell in love with my craft and myself. The sky is never the limit, think outside this world; creativity should be nurtured and not rushed. Every child is a genius in their own way, blessed with a unique talent that he or she could use to change the world. Lionel Messi was born with a growth deficiency but had the ambition and conviction to be a footballer, and now he is the best in the world (yes, Messi and not Ronaldo.) In the words of Edward Young, “We are all born original.” Every Child is unique.
Education is more than books, reading, tests and exams; it is the holistic development of the child and that is the main focus of Meadow Hall. For children to be well-rounded individuals, they need to develop not just in the cognitive aspect but also in all other areas such as the physical, emotional, social, artistic, creative and spiritual. Spring Meadow Edutainment, a Meadow Hall Group subsidiary, has tons of activities that will bring out the genius in your child. For more information on how to inspire and nurture creativity in your child, please call 08092337503 or visit http://www.springmeadowedutainment.com/